User talk:AdmiralDonSnider

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Hey I would like to let you know that by doing a little research I figured out what the random pages are coming from. It is a virus ,this is an Apache APR bug combined with a trojaned PHP script. Sounds not very friendly, mabey you could contact jamesy and let him know? Or mabey you could take care of it, but we should definetely get rid of this as soon as possible before it gets any worse

Best regards, Jack

[edit] Links exchange

Dear AdmiralDonSnider

Your site "PyroGuide" is listed in our directory of Pirotechnics&Fireworks sites.

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We will be grateful if you put a link to our site in PyroGuide Links.

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Pyrotechnics & Fireworks Chemical information, Fireworks PDF&DJVU book collection.

Site devoted to the literature on pyrotechnics, on our website you will find books about the secrets

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